

Ristviitamine on teksti sees erinevatele käesolevas keskkonnas eelnevalt määratud objektidele viitamiseks. Eelnevalt määratud objektiks võib olla suvaline tekstilõik, mõni pilt, graafik või mistahes muu artiklis olev objekt.

Määra viidatavad objektid

Viidatav objekt on unikaalse identifikaatoriga objekt millel võib olla ka pealkiri.

Toetatud viidatavad objektid on:

  • fig: a figure,
  • tab: a table,
  • eqn: an equation,
  • the: a theorem,
  • def: a definition, and
  • bib: a bibliographical reference.

Each of these types has a dedicated HTML tag to declare an object instance, except for the bibliography which is not supported by this extension:

  • text

  • text
  • text

  • text
  • text

In the text describing the referenced object, the tag

may enclose the caption of the object. This caption will be render near the referencing object and will appear in all the references in the text.


<figure id="fig:myobject">
<img src="http://www.arakhne.org/images/arakhne.jpg" title="<caption>My caption</caption>">

gives: <img src="http://www.arakhne.org/images/arakhne.jpg" title="Figure 1: My caption">

Add Reference in Text

Somewhere on the page, you can put the following to reference the element: text in the link where identifier is the code of the referenced object to reference. The given text is put back in the reference hyper link. If this text is not given, the default text is used (basically the object number).

Example: gives: "Figure [#label-fig:myobject 1]".

Advanced Usage

Subfigures, Subtables...

When a figure is the composition of a set of subfigures, CrossReference extension make you able to define a number and caption for each subfigure.

The inner components must be enclosed by a tag which is corresponding to the enclosing components, ie. subfigure in a figure, subfigtable in a figtable... The inner tags do not take parameter:

  • text
  • text
  • text
  • text
  • text

All the referenced object declarations are wrappers to the tag . This tag supports several parameters:

  • id="...": the identifier of the referenced object;
  • group="...": the type of the referenced object, one of the types describes before;
  • shownumber: if present, display the object number between parenthesis (for backward compatibility with the original CrossReference extension);
  • noblock: if present, do not output the HTML

    tags which are dedicated to referenced objects;

  • noautocaption: if present, do not apply default caption formatter on the given caption.
  • Tag takes parameters:

    • id="...": the identifier of the referenced object;
    • nolink: if present, do not output the hyperlink.


    Lihtne näide

    Allolev tekst on lihtsalt juhuslikult kokku kirjutatud


    ... Arengufondi logo on selline nagu siin: .

    ... Nagu siin näha , on käesolevas näites viidatud pildile.

    ... See tekst siin nüüd on lihtsalt kohatäiteks ja pole tegelikult üldse vajalik

    See tekst siin nüüd on lihtsalt kohatäiteks ja pole tegelikult üldse vajalik

    Alamobjektide näide

    ... Pilt kujutab tavalist Arengufondi logo.

    ... Pilt kujutab horisontaalset Arengufondi logo,


    [[Image:Arengufondi logo.png|frame|


    ]] [[Image:Arengufondi logo horisontaalne.png|frame|



    Arengufondi logod

